Uri Rubin serves as the President and CEO of Senior Living Management Company and its affiliated companies. He is also a member of the board of directors of United Stated Assn. Mr. Rubin has over thirty years of experience in real estate investment, residential and commercial development, hospitality, and other commercial real estate areas. He is also the founder and former Chair of the Real Estate Finance Association.
Since becoming a Senior Living manager, he has seen his responsibilities change with the times. His responsibilities to senior communities have also changed. The number of residents who want to live in assisted living apartments and other senior housing facilities has increased significantly over the years. Because of this, more senior living managers are now in a position where they must be trained to handle these changes in the aging population. Check out this senior living feasibility study or learn more about senior living manager training programs.
Some senior living manager training programs are short term. Some are a little longer term and cover the full duration of the program. There are many different ways that senior living management can go about this.
The good thing about training for a senior living manager is that most of the information can be learned while on the job. Most employers have a long list of references that can be consulted. If the company requires a background check, the references will be invaluable. The company will not want to deal with an employee that does not have a good reputation because they may find out that it was not the company that did the hiring, but rather that it was not the individual that was doing the hiring.
Senior living manager training can also be acquired through job fairs. Job fairs are a great way to show companies that you are an asset. You can bring a business card and let them know that you are interested in working in the senior community. This will help to get your name out there and show companies that you are a responsible person.
It is important to note that the senior living industry is very competitive. Senior living managers often times have to work harder than any other management position in the industry because they are dealing with clients who are aging in place of care. They have to make sure that they are providing quality services to their clients in order to remain on top of the market. Senior living managers are the key to the successful operation of any senior community. You can read more on this here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/choosing-the-best-assisted-living-facility_b_58b43231e4b0e5fdf61974be